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silent revolution emerges from the underground. Far from losing
strength, decentralization has allowed 15-M to become ever more dynamic.
the 15-M movement going invisible? Or is it rather gaining strength in
the ‘underground’? The mainstream media keep claiming that the indignados have
lost support since last year, that its only success is its ability to
bring people together on special dates. Spanish newspaper El País concluded in May 2012 that, one year after the birth of the movement, popular support and sympathy for the indignados had
decreased around 13% among the Spanish population, despite the massive
mobilizations that took place from the 12th until the 15th of May,
commemorating the anniversary of the movement. ABC opened its edition of
May 15 stating that “the indignados
movement shows less strength on their anniversary.” But the media
misses the point. In reality, rather than losing strength, the movement
has become stronger, more organized, better coordinated, and supported
by the commitment of hundreds of people.